Financial stability is not a simple, one-step process. Many people struggle to get by, even working multiple jobs. family-sustaining income is a cornerstone of financial stability: the key to paying the rent, putting food on the table, and affording childcare and transportation.
By supporting people's basic needs - safe havens, stocked pantries, support, counseling, and more - we are creating the conditions necessary for success and independence. With this strong foundation today, we position people for a better, brighter tomorrow.
For families struggling to pay the rent and buy food, an unanticipated expense – a car breakdown, an uninsured illness, a week without a paycheck – can lead to crisis. For those also dealing with mental illness, poor health, or family trauma, holding a steady job can be a daily challenge. United Way of Randolph County’s partner agencies are there to help, providing food and shelter assistance as well as counseling and referral services for a broad range of basic needs.
American Red Cross
Christians United Outreach Center
The Salvation Army
To improve FINANCIAL STABILITY, United Way partner agencies are:
- Providing the basics like food, clothing, and shelter
- Working to prevent violence and provide necessary responses including safe havens for children, adults, and families
- Providing a free, confidential, 24/7 resource, NC 211, to connect individuals with the service referrals they need for support and intervention
- Convening and participating in initiatives across local government, faith-based organizations, and service-providing agencies to ensure the greatest positive impact in the human service area